Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hiking at South Valley Park

May 26 - Dazy and I went on our first mini hike together. I can't wait until she's old enough to go on the long ones.

South Valley is about 10 mins from my house in the Ken Caryl Valley. It's a great, easy hike with no elevation gain (good for the pup). It's about 2.25 miles and by 1.75 miles she was getting very hot and was done, done, done!

She's such a cool dog. I just love her!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life Has Been a Little Busy! And Dazy is 16 weeks old!

Even though this is Dazy's blog, I feel obligated to tell you why it's been a month since I've updated it! School came to an end right after my last post and I had two really difficult final projects to work on, and both required either going to school to work on a MAC and/or going on location to film. Then after that, I had my final Girl Scout meeting of the year which took a lot of work to pull together. Life has finally slowed down for me and things are normal once again.

Now back to Miss Dazy. She turned 16 weeks old yesterday! She had her checkup and is totally healthy and got her last of the puppy booster shots, rabies vaccination, and her Jeffco tags. She's all official now.

Last week her best friend, Steeler, came to stay with us as a last minute surprise. They had SO MUCH FUN together. They spent all day every day outside wrestling in a ball of dust that would roll around the yard.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dazy Goes to A-Basin

Week two of dog training. Dazy has "sit" down pat! She can do "down" but you have to drag the treat across the floor in front of her, so it's not a completely learned event yet.

Her two classmates are little "purse dogs". One is a 10- week Maltese who's the size of a hoagie bun, I'm not lying. And the other is a tiny little hyper thing that I have no idea what it is but he won't sit, go down, or anything. She's the "top dog" in her class.

One of Tim's friends had a birthday party at A-Basin this past Saturday so Tim loaded up the Subaru and took Dazy along. He came home saying "If I said 'She's 12 weeks old and/or Her ear is green because she has a tattoo' once I said it 10,000 times." She was quite the hit (she is super adorable). She got super socialized!!

We had our first vet visit and the second round of vaccinations of her career. She's a healthy little pup! She's become a super pistol in the last week. She goes through a period of craziness for about an hour after she wakes up from sleeping and she absolutely wears us out!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dazy's First Check-up

Dazy Dawg had her first vet appointment today at Deer Creek Animal Hospital. We were going to go to Firehouse Animal to our friend Dr Kathy Wilkes and found out she got called to jury duty this whole week. I didn't want to get behind on shots since I am out of town for work next week, so we went to Deer Creek. How had I forgotten that's where we put Tasley down? Tim reminded me when he told me how much he loved that place. I asked him, "When have you ever been there?" DUH! They are great people. And our friend, Niccole, has survived two young puppy tragedies on Sundays thanks to them being open.

Dazy is 11 weeks and weighs 15 1/2 pounds. At 17 weeks you can double their weight and get a good idea of how much they are going to weigh. Today she had her second round of shots, and we brought in a poop sample. Gross!!!! The vet said she's very healthy. She did great.

She met two German's from a different Conifer breeder in the lobby and they were black and grey coloring, much bigger dogs and only about a week and a half older. Big dogs. Anyway, it's like they knew each other were Germans because they treated each other differently than when Dazy would meet other breeds in the waiting room. Very interesting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dazy's first trip to Tipsy's!

Well, I thought I was taking Dazy on her first trip (of many) to Tipsy's Liquor World, but Kylie informed me that while I was at school the day before, she and Daddy had already taken her and he didn't want to tell me and burst my bubble.

So, this is the first DOCUMENTED trip to Tipsy's. They loved her in there. If you go to check-out lane #1, they give your dog a dog treat! She laid down in her spot and ate it. We had to move her, of course, because there were other patrons to check out behind us, but she had a great time. Met the greeter lady and got pet by several folks!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First Bath and Lots of Walks!

Tim drew Dazy's name in the driveway. Great lettering! 

I am sorry that I've missed a few days. I had a deadline to write a presentation for a conference, then our monthly Happy Hour gig, and then Sunday I had a major allergic reaction to eggs. It was pretty scary. It took about 12 hours to completely get out of my system!

Dazy Dawg had her first bath Saturday night. She wasn't too excited about it, but she was starting to stink. She did the "shake, shake, shake" afterward all over the house.

She learned to fetch a ball in about 5 minutes. Tim thinks she is a smart little cookie! She has also been on lots of walks. She loves to walk.

This week we have to make an appointment to see the vet for a check-up and talk about our upcoming shots.

All in all, this little dog is so easy. I have heard how hard puppies can be and this one is the exact opposite. Great doggie. And she just melts all of our hearts.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Little Dazy had a BIG third day today!

I did a bad thing. Tim and I have an agreement that there will be no dogs on the couch and no dogs in bed. She's such a sweetheart. I couldn't resist. She's only going to be small enough for what, another 4 weeks or so???

She played in the snow this morning and was so cute! I have school on Wednesday afternoons so I had to leave her in her crate for 4 hours. I wanted her to be tired so we went for a 15 minute walk before I left (very slow and puppy-paced, don't worry), but still a big deal for a 9 week old. We went down our street and back and around the cul-de-sac. I was hoping she'd sleep while I was away which I'm pretty sure she did. I came home and we walked the 3 blocks down to Sofie's  house to pick up Kylie. We hung out with Pearl, the yellow lab, and then walked back home.

Then we loaded up in the car and went to Pet Smart to get her cool bling bling dog tag. We met several dogs, one being a beautiful American German Shepherd, and walked around Pet Smart for a while. 

We came home, ate some dinner, played, and she's been asleep since about 8:00. The past two nights she's been awake from about 10-midnight and very active. I think this day was a very big day for our 9 1/2 week puppy!

P.S. - She was THE HIT at Pet Smart. Everyone loved her, wanted to pet her, love on her. Lots of socialization today ;)